Exploding Dice: Athalor s3e1: Dragon Spaniel

HELLO AND WELCOME to the Season premiere of Expldoign Dice! This time around, we go back to CJ's world of Athalor, and we pick up a little bit of time after the last season, with a brand new cast, and a whole new set of puns!

Join CJ, Rachel, Kyra, Delbert, and Scott as they tackle mining, minors, minders, pastries, and the politics of breakfast!

Remember you can chat with us and discuss this episode at https://geek-io.net/discord or email the show at show@Geek-io.net

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Exploding Dice Ravnica FINALE 23 - Go Toward the Nope

On the campaign finale of the Flames of Ravnica, the gang are surrounded by everything they dislike, and have to turn toward an unlikely ally to help stop the evil from destroying the Multiverse.

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Exploding Dice: Ravnica: Episode 1 Season Premiere: Tosta Coil, Pasta Rifle

HEEEELLLLOOOOOO AND WELCOME to 2019! That's right, we're back! Join CJ, Josh, Raul, Monica, Kerry, and special guest party member Jacky AKA DeathByMage for our explosive return to regular programming! What do a snarky lawkeeper, a by-the-book cleric, an overly excitable arcane researcher, a bard with more than a few secrets up his sleeve, and a semiaquatic hybrid with no filter have in common? Random run-ins with that one Rakdos guy! Seriously, what's up with that? Oh, you meant besides that? Listen and find out on the brand new season of Exploding Dice: Ravnica!

If you want to tune in live to Exploding Dice recordings, you can join our NPC guild at www.patreon.com/geekio

Email: show@geek-io.net

Discord: geek-io.net/discord

Facebook: facebook.com/geekioshow

Twitter: twitter.com/geekioshow

Site: https://www.geek-io.net/explodingdice/

(Re-upload) The Mana Pool: Episode 68: "Animated Bacon"

(Editor's note - Fixed audio issues)

Their preparations finally complete, the group finally heads to an established rendezvous point to continue their search for a mode of transportation. Rejoined by a friendly face eager to pursuit the tormentor of Tolvera, the party makes to leave, only to be interrupted by the sound of..laughter? All this and more surprises in store, tonight on The Mana Pool.

We hope you enjoy the show, if you do, you can support this show and everything we do on the Geek IO Network by going over to www.patreon.com/geekio - You can get an ad-free master feed, extra content, and early Mana Pool episodes!

Email: show@geek-io.net
Discord: geek-io.net/discord
Facebook: facebook.com/geekioshow
Twitter: twitter.com/geekioshow
Site: https://www.geek-io.net/themanapool/
BTR: http://my.blogtalkradio.com/manapool


The Mana Pool Episode 66: Where Secrets Become Legends

 A lesson for the ages, true now as it was and ever will be; Real heroes do their homework. Training of the mind, body, and social skills, the band prepares to chase down and verify a legend in hopes of continuing their own.

We hope you enjoy the show, if you do, you can support this show and everything we do on the Geek IO Network by going over to www.patreon.com/geekio - You can get an ad-free master feed, extra content, and early Mana Pool episodes!
Email: show@geek-io.net
Discord: geek-io.net/discord
Facebook: facebook.com/geekioshow
Twitter: twitter.com/geekioshow
Site: https://www.geek-io.net/themanapool/
BTR: http://my.blogtalkradio.com/manapool

The Mana Pool Episode 60: Kill Gill

An invitation to dinner with the Crown Prince of Tolvera brings our adventurers up to speed on just how wide-spread of a threat the assault on Tolvera may yet become. A hopeful delay in the invader’s absconce gives them a moment of reprieve to collect their thoughts, information, and a plan to advance forward. Will they uncover the means necessary to succeed in their newly beseeched quest?

We hope you enjoy the show, if you do, you can support this show and everything we do on the Geek IO Network by going over to www.patreon.com/geekio - You can get an ad-free master feed, extra content, and early Mana Pool episodes!
Email: geekioshow@gmail.com
Discord: geek-io.net/discord
Facebook: facebook.com/geekioshow
Twitter: twitter.com/geekioshow
Site: https://www.geek-io.net/themanapool/
BTR: http://my.blogtalkradio.com/manapool

The Mana Pool Episode 52: Kick His Ass Calabrass

In this week's episode of the Mana Pool the party enjoy some entertainment at the inn and some food.  Fragul and Calabrass go to the battle colosseum to so off some skils. In the evening Kai and Amee go to the observatory and Kai does something interesting.  

Join the Mana Pool Team CJ, Rachel, Raul, Felix, Kerry, AND DALE this week as we continue with Story Teller Josh in our Open Legend Legend.

The Mana Pool Episode 51: Literally Making Friends

In this week's episode of the Mana Pool the party gets back together to decide what they will do for the evening,  Calabrass introduces his new friend Sylvia (Making his GLORIOUS return to The Mana Pool - Dale Campbell) to the group. Fragul gets Velfreyja attention and they get to see one of Remie's old friends. 

Join the Mana Pool Team CJ, Rachel, Raul, Felix, Kerry, AND DALE this week as we continue with Story Teller Josh in our Open Legend Legend.

The Mana Pool Episode 40: Sandwich of Parental Love

In this week's episode of the Mana Pool a touching family reuion.  The Kai takes sometime to get ajusted to his new form.  The party also gets some new items.  They investage the scene of their last battle and find something interesting

Join the Mana Pool Team CJ, Rachel, Raul, Felix, Kerry, this week as we continue with Story Teller Josh in our Open Legend Legend.

The Mana Pool Episode 39: Flaming Suit of Bitch

In this week's episode of the Mana Pool the party still trying to take in all revealations of kai and amee.  A new hair trigger transformation and nitting. 
The party also trys helping the recused little girl by proforming a exorcism

Join the Mana Pool Team CJ, Rachel, Raul, Felix, Kerry, this week as we continue with Story Teller Josh in our Open Legend Legend.

Exploding Dice: Xanthuru episode 14: Drain Tug of War

In this episode of The Mana Pool the party with The World's Most Valuable NPC continue their battle for survive against the hideous goo monster.  Half the party jumps in head first and forms a body chain of a wolf, a bear and a clanking necromancer in plate armor.  Then swap life point with the goo when it refuses to go gently into the afterlife.

Join the Mana Pool Team CJ, Rachel, Raul, Felix, Kerry, this week as we continue with Story Teller Josh in our Open Legend Legend.