Episode 54: Teenage Mutant Diamond Turtle
Welcome to the Small Screen Spoiler Show episode 54! I’m CJ “You look like you been through a cheese grater” Boat, he’s Jarred “Pimp Stormtrooper” Azevedo.
Audio Content from Darrell “robust cup of Cuban coffee” Shayler.
And welcome special guest Rachel “occasional cool breeze” Kimberly
Today’s shows are:
Luke Cage
S1E12: Soliloquy of Chaos
IMDB Score: 8.5
S1E13: You know my Steez
IMDB Score: 8.2
The second part of the show, going forward, are our “Challenge Shows” Jarred and I will challenge each other to watch what is immediately available (at least) to watch and catch up, and do a spoiler discussion of the shows we watched.
CJ’s Challenge to Jaz:
Newsworthy:- http://marvel.com/news/tv/26993/marvels_the_inhumans_coming_to_imax_abc_in_2017?linkId=31155906
Contact: Geekioshow@gmail.com
Twitter: @Geekioshow
Call us: 727-489-4335, that’s 727-489-GEEK
Website: www.geek-io.net/spoilershow
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Snow White is a Druid
Hero for Hire Freestyle
Hood riddled Holelees!!!
Candy Cane and Honey
Teenage Mutant Diamond Turtle RKB/// JAZ ///
The Harlem Contractors Love Luke Cage
A hug and some therapy...and candy cane tea
Candace Burnerphoneiboughtforher
Diggle so angry. So. Angry.