Exploding Dice Ravnica FINALE 23 - Go Toward the Nope

On the campaign finale of the Flames of Ravnica, the gang are surrounded by everything they dislike, and have to turn toward an unlikely ally to help stop the evil from destroying the Multiverse.

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Exploding Dice Ravinca 21 - Untapping

New enemies and strange feelings require a new and improved bag of tricks. The team find themselves being helped by an unlikely, and possibly expensive, set of hands.

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Exploding Dice Ravnica 15 - Mohawk Food Safety

The gang is hitting the streets, trying to find out what's going on with their friends, and get some answers of their own. The crew decide to hit up some old haunts and scrounge up some answers. Is Rickas palling around with someone special? What's going on with the food? This episode won't be forgettable!

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