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Exploding Dice: Elemental Evil episode 20: “First I make my pants sparkle then I poke Gronkus…”

This week on the Geek I/O Show, we part the veils of reality and head back to The Mana Pool. The party makes their adventure from Red Larch to Riverguard Keep.

The adventurers headed off once again in the caravan and on their way! But not without some surprises. Minthra activated a magical artifact that pushed the party’s trust after they woke up mysteriously in cabins. While setting up camp for the night, Minthra activated the magical artifact again to make cabins appear again. While most of the party choose to sleep in the cabins, Davdak and Dory choose to sleep out in the elements.

The adventurers await a big battle at Riverguard Keep! Join us on The Mana Pool, won’t you? You will appear as magical puddles.

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The Mana Pool #20 - “First I make my pants sparkle then I poke Gronkus…” The Geek I/O Show