#62 Snacks v5 (LIVE from Mobicon 2016)
We had a blast at Mobicon over the weekend, during which we were able to perform live in front of a great crowd! Listen in as we talk about a few of the treats we remember from our childhood during Mardi-Gras! Then find out if Moonpies, Pixie Stix, and Dum-Dums stack up!
Direct Audio Link: HIS - Ep 62 “Snacks v5 (LIVE from Mobicon 2016)”
You can reach us via email (HowItStacks@gmail.com) or on Twitter (@HowItStacks), Facebook (/howitstacks), YouTube (/howitstacks) and Instagram (/howitstacks).
We want to give a special thank you to Mobicon and The Mopcast Network for making this live episode possible!
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Episode #62: Snacks v5 (Mobicon Live 2016)
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